09/09/2011 16:15

What is Belief Work?


Date: Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 2:59 PM
Subject: Message from website thetamiraculous.com: Deconstructing limiting beliefs
To: thetamiraculous@gmail.com

Name: Ms Tan 


Subject: Deconstructing limiting beliefs

Hi Evelyn,

I happened to chance upon the thetahealing book at a bookstore.
I understand that there is a component called Belief Work in this healing modality that helps to identify and deprogramming limiting beliefs.
I would like to get help to work on my own beliefs conditioning.
But first could you provide me with a little more info on the thetahealing process in this aspect?
Is it simply sending a request to the 7th plane and requesting the beliefs to be deprogrammed?
As this is the first time I have heard of this module, may I ask how long you have been working with clients in this area?
Could you let me know what are the consultation charges per session?

Thank you

Dear Ms Tan ,
Thanks for visiting my website. Yes. beliefs can either limit us or it can work in our favour. 
We all have thousands of beliefs since childhood influencing us from our parents, grandparents, teachers, classmates, boss etc. 
You would probably read form  Vianna's book that we need to find the key beliefs. However, we do not just change any belief that we  think "appropriate"  because thinking is at the mental level , and can be from the perspective of the limited ego self.  She has also advised that even though she shares the info in her book, she does not accept any responsibility for the changes that can occur from its use. 

It is best to attend the Basic & Advanced courses which has been designed by Vianna and from there you can empower yourself by starting with "de-constructing limiting beliefs" . I sincerely hope you attend the 2 workshops which will start on Good Friday 22 Apr.  https://www.thetamiraculous.com/news/news-/  . There will be so much healing during the 2 workshops. 

From there we can decide whether you want to follow up on personal consultations. There are some who feel they needed a deeper healing, with a bit more help tailored to their personal needs,  may opt to follow up with private consultations. Many feel self -empowered to continue to heal themselves and maintain their well being after the workshops. 
 Whatever it is, the Basic and Advanced, will make your subsequent session more fruitful in searching for beliefs that do not serve you.  
 Hope this helps.
with Love & Blessings,
9752 7175

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